“The Battle at the Sacred Ruins” (TSR) Questions & Answers


Makoto Cloth Corps’ Ritualist (TSR-007)

Question: If an automatic ability of an entity with [Untouchable] is in the chase area, but before it can be resolved that entity is destroyed or loses [Untouchable], can that automatic ability now be targeted or canceled?

Answer: No, it still has [Untouchable]. Once an activate or automatic ability is added to the chase, it exists independently from its source and has all relevant information locked in. Removing or modifying the source in any way will not change anything already added to the chase.

Question: Can the <Strong Beliefs> ability of this card affect the will abilities of magic stones?

Answer: No. The new rule 907.7. prevents increasing the cost of playing will abilities, and as <Strong Beliefs> adds a cost to activate abilities, it doesn’t affect the will abilities. We have made this update to reduce the amount of text needed to explain abilities on cards. For more information, please check the CR update next Friday, with the set release.