Dear rulers,
Thank you for your playing Force of Will!
We are going to introduce Hero Cluster 6th booster set “Judgment of the Rogue Planet” and explain new mechanisms in it.
This is the last article of them, we let show some rule updates with new cards. They will be updated on the release of this set.
The cards were taken when the product was still under development. The actual product may look different.
Have you watched the official video about the concepts of “Judgment of the Rogue Planet”? If you have not, please check it!
The Last Set of the Hero Cluster. [ FoW News Vol 26 ]
1. New Action – Expel
Let’s look at a actual card!
New word “expel” is appeared in it. It is the new action, and it means ‘To expel a card, move the card to outside the game and reveal it until end of game.’. A player may not expel cards they don't control like banish. And if a player controls only one J/ruler, they cannot expel it, so they cannot be targeted or chosen by an expel effect in the first place, or used to pay for an expel cost.
Also, about “swap”; if you swap card(s) with card(s) from outside the game, swapped card(s) are revealed in outside the game until end of game too.
2. Updating of Comprehensive Rule
About constructing a deck, we will update the following rules.
1. A player may not have more than one copy of any ruler in their starting ruler(s) and their sideboard.
2. A player may not have more than one copy of any sub-ruler in their any deck and their sideboard.
3. A player may not have more than one copy of any extension rule in their extension rule area and their sideboard